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Really, they were electroplate, and also the glass was plain (for the poor fellow's eyes were excellent). Then in four consecutive afternoons I schooled him four speeches. I had found these would be quite enough for the supernumerary-Sepoy line of life, and it had been well for me they were. For although he was good-humoured, he was terribly ambitionless, and it was, as our national saw says, "like pull teeth" to show him. however at the top of successive week he may say, with quite my straightforward and kittenish air: 1. "Very well, thank you. And you?" This for a solution to casual salutations. 2. "I am terribly glad you likable it." 3. "There has been such a lot aforementioned, and, on the full, thus well aforementioned, that i will be able to not occupy the time." 4. "I agree, in general, with my friend on the opposite aspect of the space." At first I had a sense that i used to be attending to be at nice value for covering him. however it tested, of course, at once, that, whenever he was out, I ought to be reception. And I went, during the bright amount of his success, to thus few of these awful pageants that need a black dress-coat and what the ungodly decision, after Mr. Dickens, a white choker, that within the happy retreat of my very own dressing-gowns and jackets my days glided by as gayly and cheaply as those of another Thalaba. And Polly declares there was ne'er a year once the trade cost thus very little.

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He lived (Dennis, not Thalaba) in his wife's space over the room. He had orders ne'er to point out himself at that window. once he appeared within the front of the house, I retired to my sanctissimum and my dressing-gown. In short, the European and, his wife, within the previous weather-box, had not less to try and do with, one another than he and that i. He made the furnace-fire and split the wood before daylight; then he visited sleep once more, and slept late; then came for orders, with a red silk hanky tied spherical his head, together with his overalls on, and his dress-coat and spectacles off. If we tend to happened to be interrupted, no one guessed that he was Frederic Ingham furthermore as I; and, within the neighborhood, there grew up a bearing that the minister's Irishman worked day-times within the works village at New Coventry. once I had given him his orders, I ne'er saw him until successive day. I launched him by causing him to a gathering of the Enlightenment Board. The Enlightenment Board consists of cardinal members, of whom lxvii square measure necessary to make a gathering. One becomes a member beneath the rules set down in old decide Dudley's can. I became one by being ordained pastor of a church in Naguadavick. You see you can't facilitate yourself, if you'd. At this explicit time we tend to had had four consecutive conferences, averaging four hours each--wholly occupied in whipping in a very gathering. At the primary solely eleven men were present; at successive, by force of three circulars, twenty-seven; at the third, because of 2 days' bell ringing by Auchmuty and myself, beggary men to return, we tend to had sixty.

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For the others were in Europe. But without a gathering we tend to may do nothing. All the remainder folks waited grimly for our four hours, and adjourned with none action. At the fourth meeting we tend to had flagged, and only got cardinal along. however on the primary look of my double--whom I sent on this fatal weekday to the fifth meeting--he was the sixty-seventh man United Nations agency entered the space. He was greeted with a storm of applause! The poor fellow had incomprehensible his way--read the street signs unwell through his spectacles (very unwell, in fact, while not them)--and had not dared to inquire. He entered the room--finding the president and secretary holding to their chairs 2 judges of the Supreme Court, United Nations agency were additionally members ex officio, and were begging leave to travel away. On his entrance all was modified. Presto, the by-laws were amended, and also the Western property was given away. no one stopped to converse with him. He voted, as I had charged him to try and do, in each instance, with the minority. I won new laurels as a person of sense, although a bit unpunctual--and Dennis, alias Ingham, returned to the residence, astonied to envision with however very little knowledge the globe is governed. He cut many of my parishioners within the street; however he had his glasses off, and I am celebrated to be nearsighted . Eventually he recognized them a lot of pronto than I.

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I "set him again" at the exhibition of the New Coventry Academy; and here he undertook a "speaking part"--as, in my boylike, worldly days, I bear in mind the bills accustomed say of Mlle. Celeste. we tend to square measure all trustees of the New Coventry Academy; and there has latterly been "a bargain of feeling" as a result of the Sandemanian trustees didn't frequently attend the exhibitions. it's been intimated, indeed, that the Sandemanians square measure leaning towards Free-Will, which we've got, therefore, neglected these semi-annual exhibitions, while there is little doubt that Auchmuty last year visited Commencement at Waterville. Now the head master at New Coventry could be a real smart fellow, United Nations agency is aware of a Sanskritic language root once he sees it, and infrequently cracks etymologies with me--so that, in strictness, I need to visit their exhibitions. But think, reader, of sitting through 3 long July days therein Academy chapel, following the program from Tuesday Morning. English Composition. Sunshine. Miss Jones, round to Trio on 3 Pianos. Duel from opera of cadet straightforward. Marryatt. coming in at 9, Thursday evening! think about this, reader, for men United Nations agency apprehend the globe is attempting to travel backward, and United Nations agency would provide their lives if they might facilitate it on! Well! The double had succeeded thus well at the Board, that I sent him to the Academy. (Shade of Plato, pardon!)

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He arrived too soon Tues, when, indeed, few however mothers and clergymen square measure typically expected, and came within the evening to U.S.A., coated with honors. He had dined at the correct hand of the chairman, and he spoke in high terms of the nutrition. The chairman had expressed his interest within the French speech. "I am terribly glad you liked it," aforementioned Dennis; and also the poor chairman, abashed, supposed the accent had been wrong. At the top of the day, the gentlemen gift had been referred to as upon for speeches-- the Rev. Frederic Ingham 1st, because it happened; upon that Dennis had up, and had said, "There has been such a lot aforementioned, and, on the full, thus well aforementioned, that i will be able to not occupy the time." the women were delighted, because Dr. Dabney, the year before, had given them at this occasion a scolding on impropriety of behavior at lyceum lectures. They all declared Mr. Ingham was a love--and thus handsome! (Dennis is well-favoured.) Three of them, with arms behind the others' waists, followed him up to the wagon he rode home in; and a bit lady with a blue sash had been sent to present him a rosebud. once this debut in speaking, he visited the exhibition for 2 days a lot of, to the mutual satisfaction of all concerned. Indeed, Polly reported that he had pronounced the trustees' dinners of a better grade than those of the residence. once successive term began, I found six of the Academy girls had obtained permission to return across the watercourse and attend our church. But this arrangement didn't long continue.

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After this he visited many Commencements on behalf of me, and Ate the dinners provided; he sat through 3 of our Quarterly Conventions for me--always selection judiciously, by the simple rule mentioned on top of, of siding with the minority. And I, meanwhile, who had before been losing caste among my friends, as holding myself removed from the associations of the body, began to rise in everybody's favor. "Ingham's a decent fellow--always on hand"; "never talks much--but will the correct issue at the correct time"; "is not as unpunctual as he accustomed be--he comes early, and sits through to the top." "He has over his previous talkative habit, too. I spoke to a follower of his concerning it once; and that i assume Ingham took it kindly," etc., etc. This selection power of Dennis was notably valuable at the quarterly conferences of the Proprietors of the Naguadavick Ferry. My woman transmissible from her father some shares in that enterprise, that isn't nonetheless absolutely developed, although it likely can become a really valuable property. The law of American state then forbade stockholders to look by proxy at such conferences. Polly unlikeable to travel, not being, in fact, a "hens'-rights hen," and transferred her stock to Maine. I, once going once, unlikeable it over she. But Dennis went to successive meeting, and likable it significantly. He aforementioned the armchairs were smart, the collation smart, and also the free rides to stockholders pleasant. He was a bit frightened when they 1st took him upon one in all the ferry-boats, however once 2 or 3 quarterly meetings he became quite brave.

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Thus far I ne'er had any issue with him. Indeed, being of that kind that is termed shiftless, he was all too happy to be told daily what to try and do, and to be charged to not be forthputting or in any means original in his discharge of that duty. He learned, however, to discriminate between the lines of his life, and really abundant most well-liked these stockholders' meetings and trustees' dinners and commencement collations to a different set of occasions, from that he accustomed quest most piteously. Our glorious brother, Dr. Fillmore, had taken a notion at this point that our Sandemanian churches required a lot of expression of mutual sympathy. He insisted upon it that we tend to were derelict. He said, that, if the Bishop came to evangelise at Naguadavick, all the Episcopal priesthood of the neighborhood were present; if Dr. Pond came, all the Congregational clergymen clad to listen to him; if Dr. Nichols, all the Unitarians; and he thought we tend to owed it to every alternative that, whenever there was Associate in Nursing occasional service at a Sandemanian church, the opposite brethren ought to all, if possible, attend. "It looked well," if nothing a lot of. currently this very meant that I had not been to listen to one in all Dr. Fillmore's lectures on the anthropology of faith. He forgot that he didn't hear one in all my course on the Sandemanianism of Saint Anselm. however I felt badly when he aforementioned it; and later I perpetually created Dennis visit hear all the brethren preach, when I wasn't preaching myself.

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This was what he took exceptions to--the solely issue, as I said, that he ever did except to. currently came the advantage of his long morning-nap, and of the tea leaf with that Polly provided the room. however he would plead, so humbly, to be relieve, solely from one or two! I ne'er excepted him, however. I knew the lectures were useful, and that i thought it best he ought to be ready to keep the affiliation. Polly is a lot of rash than i'm, because the reader has determined within the get-go of this memoir. She risked Dennis one night beneath the eyes of her own sex. Governor Gorges had perpetually been terribly kind to us; and once he gave his nice annual party to the city, asked us. I confess I unloved to travel. i used to be deep within the new volume of Pfeiffer's Mystics, which Haliburton had simply sent Maine from capital of Massachusetts. "But however rude," aforementioned Polly, "not to come the Governor's civility and Mrs. Gorges's, once they are guaranteed to raise why you're away!" Still I demurred, and ultimately she, with the wit of Eve and of Semiramis conjoint, let me off by voice communication that, if i'd get in together with her, and sustain the initial conversations with the Governor and also the women staying there, she would risk Dennis for the remainder of the evening.

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And that was simply what we tend to did. She took Dennis in coaching all that afternoon, instructed him in modern speech, cautioned him against the temptations of the suppertable-- and at 9 within the evening he drove U.S.A. all down within the tote bag. I created the grand star-entrée with Polly and also the pretty Walton ladies, United Nations agency were staying with U.S.A.. We had put Dennis into a good rough top-coat, while not his glasses--and the women ne'er unreal, in the darkness, of gazing him. He Sabbatum within the carriage, at the door, whereas we tend to entered. I did the agreeable to Mrs. Gorges, was introduced to her kinswoman. Miss Fernanda--I complimented decide Jeffries on his call within the nice case of D'Aulnay vs. Laconia Mining Co.--I stepped into the dressing-room for a moment--stepped out for another-- walked home, once a nod with Dennis, and attachment the horse to a pump--and whereas I walked home, Mr. Frederic Ingham, my double, stepped in through the library into the Gorges's grand saloon. Oh! Polly died of riant as she told Maine of it at midnight! And even here, wherever I actually have to teach my hands to hew the beech for stakes to fence our cave, she dies of riant as she recollects it--and says that single occasion was value all we've got got it. Gallant Eve that she is!

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She joined Dennis at the library door, and in a second bestowed him to Dr. Ochterlong, from Baltimore, United Nations agency was on a visit in city, and was talking together with her, as Dennis came in. "Mr. Ingham would really like to listen to what you were telling U.S.A. concerning your success among the German population." And Dennis bowed and aforementioned, in spite of a scowl from Polly, "I'm terribly glad you likable it." But Dr. Ochterlong didn't observe, and plunged into the tide of clarification, Dennis listening sort of a prime-minister, and bowing sort of a mandarin--which is, I suppose, an equivalent issue. Polly declared it had been similar to Haliburton's Latin speech with the Hungarian minister, of that he's terribly keen on telling. "Quoene sit historia Reformationis in Ungariâ?" quoth Haliburton, once some thought. And his confrère replied chivalrously, "In seculo decimo tertio," etc., etc., etc.; and from decimo tertio [Which means that, "In the thirteenth century," my expensive very little bell-and-coral reader. you've got justly guessed that the question means that, "What is that the history of the Reformation in Hungary?"] to the nineteenth century and a [*fr1] lasted until the oysters came. thus was it that before Dr. Ochterlong came to the "success," or close to it, Governor Gorges came to Dennis and asked him at hand Mrs. Jeffries all the way down to supper, a request which he detected with nice joy.


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